"... Orang menjadi guru itu bukannya mudah. Maka hendaklah ada kepadanya lima perkara. Pertama-tama hendaklah ada ia berpengetahuan.
Kedua, hendaklah jangan ia membesarkan dirinya sebab pengetahuannya itu.
Ketiga, hendaklah ada ia sabar daripada kesalahan dan kebodohan orang lain serta menanggung kesusahan.
Keempat, hendaklah diketahuinya tiap-tiap perkataan yang diajarnya itu; dari mana asalnya dan bagaimana memakai dia.
Kelima, hendaklah ia ada rajin serta usaha. Maka jikalau tiada syarat ini tiadalah boleh menjadi guru."
(Abdullah Munsyi, ms 103)
Selasa, 26 Mei 2009
Sabtu, 2 Mei 2009
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
The meaning of aishiteru...

May be all of you confuse what is the meaning of 'aishiteru', the first word on my URL for my blog. Let me tell you...
May be all of you confuse what is the meaning of 'aishiteru', the first word on my URL for my blog. Let me tell you...
One of the most popular phrases in any language is probably "I love you." In Japanese, "love" is "ai (愛)," and the verb form "to love" is "aisuru (愛する)." "I love you" can be literally translated as "aishite imasu (愛しています)". "Aishiteru (愛してる)," "aishiteru yo (愛してるよ)" or "aishiteru wa (愛してるわ, female speech)" is normally used in conversation. However, the Japanese don't say "I love you" as often as Western people do, because of cultural differences. I am not surprised if some Japanese say that they have never used these expressions in their life.
The Japanese generally don't express their love openly. They believe that love can be expressed by manners. When they put their feelings into words, it is preferred to use the phrase "suki desu (好きです)". It literally means, "to like." "Suki da (好きだ)," "suki dayo" (好きだよ, male speech) or "suki yo (好きよ, female speech)" are more colloquial expressions.
If you like somebody or something very much, "dai (literally means, big)" can be added as the prefix, and say "daisuki desu (大好きです)."
There is another word to describe "love" which is "koi(恋)."
The words including "ai" and "koi"
aidokusho 愛読書(one's favorite book)
hatsukoi 初恋(first love)
aijin 愛人 (lover)
hiren 悲恋(sad love)
aijou 愛情(love, affection)
koibito 恋人(one's boyfriend/girlfriend)
koibumi 恋文(love letter)
aikokushin 愛国心(patriotism)
koigataki 恋敵(a rival in love)
aisha 愛車(one's cherished car)
koi ni ochiru 恋に落ちる(to fall in love with)
koisuru恋する(to be in love with)
boseiai 母性愛(mother's love, maternal affection)
renai 恋愛(love)
shitsuren 失恋(disappointed love)
"Koi" is a love for the opposite sex, or a longing feeling for a specific person. It can be described as "romantic love" or "passionate love." While "ai" has the same meaning as "koi," it also has a definition of a general feeling of love. "Koi" can be selfish, but "ai" is a real love. Here are some lines that explain them well:
Koi is always wanting. Ai is always giving.
Here are some proverbs that include "koi."
koi wa moumoku.恋は盲目。
Love is blind.
Hopefully this explaination can be described the word 'aishiteru' to all my lovely friend...Thanx for spend your time to visit my blog. Ja ne...Aishiteru...
The Japanese generally don't express their love openly. They believe that love can be expressed by manners. When they put their feelings into words, it is preferred to use the phrase "suki desu (好きです)". It literally means, "to like." "Suki da (好きだ)," "suki dayo" (好きだよ, male speech) or "suki yo (好きよ, female speech)" are more colloquial expressions.
If you like somebody or something very much, "dai (literally means, big)" can be added as the prefix, and say "daisuki desu (大好きです)."
There is another word to describe "love" which is "koi(恋)."
The words including "ai" and "koi"
aidokusho 愛読書(one's favorite book)
hatsukoi 初恋(first love)
aijin 愛人 (lover)
hiren 悲恋(sad love)
aijou 愛情(love, affection)
koibito 恋人(one's boyfriend/girlfriend)
koibumi 恋文(love letter)
aikokushin 愛国心(patriotism)
koigataki 恋敵(a rival in love)
aisha 愛車(one's cherished car)
koi ni ochiru 恋に落ちる(to fall in love with)
koisuru恋する(to be in love with)
boseiai 母性愛(mother's love, maternal affection)
renai 恋愛(love)
shitsuren 失恋(disappointed love)
"Koi" is a love for the opposite sex, or a longing feeling for a specific person. It can be described as "romantic love" or "passionate love." While "ai" has the same meaning as "koi," it also has a definition of a general feeling of love. "Koi" can be selfish, but "ai" is a real love. Here are some lines that explain them well:
Koi is always wanting. Ai is always giving.
Here are some proverbs that include "koi."
koi wa moumoku.恋は盲目。
Love is blind.
Hopefully this explaination can be described the word 'aishiteru' to all my lovely friend...Thanx for spend your time to visit my blog. Ja ne...Aishiteru...
Jumaat, 13 Mac 2009
Blok, ro blok dan blog...
Salam...blok...masa kecik-kecik dulu, pernah dengar perkataan ni....tapi masa tu, apa yang difahamkan adalah apa saja bangunan yang tegak berdiri di atas bumi. Masa tu duk ingat blok asrama, blok berek polis, blok rumah kedai dan macam-macam lagi. Kemudian, bila dah besor skit, selalu duk sebut perkataan ro blok (road block) yang dibuat oleh polis kat tengah jalan. Masa tu, bawak motor pun belum ada lesen, bawak je moto, mata melilau tengok polis, takut kalau-kalau ada polis tahan. Tapi sekarang, satu lagi perkataan yang bunyinya sama tapi berbeza, kalo oorang perok bloh parit nyebutnye...same tapi tok serupea!........Blog! jadinyer malam ni, nak cuba bina blog pulak...bleh hilang tension kejap dari duk ngadap asemen je...bukan rajin pun nak menaip ni...tapi pasal dah cuti lama sangat duk kat rumah, bleh la cuba2 buat blog sendiri. Blog ni, rupanya macam rumah kita le, kita yang kena jaga, kena hias, bagi kemas. Maknanya kalau ada orang datang ke rumah kita, kita tak segan la....kalau rumah kemas dan cantik. Dok gitu? Untuk kalimah yang pertama dari admin ni, baca dan terima la apa yang sempat ditulis. Salam perkenalan kepada semua blogger-blogger di luar sana... Wassallam.
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